Github Analytics

How to Use the Github Analytics Tool?

Visualizing Trends: Use the timeline to visualize trends in the number of created, closed, and merged pull requests (PRs) each month. Created PRs are those that have been newly opened. Closed PRs are those that have been closed but not merged, while merged PRs are those that have been both closed and merged.

Viewing Data for a Specific Month: To focus on a particular month, click the "View More" button. Then, select the desired year and month using the dropdown menus. The table and graph will update to show only the data for that specific month.

Customizing the Graph: You can choose to display specific data in the graph by selecting or deselecting checkboxes for created, closed, and merged PRs. This allows you to focus on the trends that matter most to you.

Downloading Reports: Once you've selected your preferred data using "View More," you can download reports based on the filtered data for further analysis or record-keeping.

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